What is Compulsive Eaters Anonymous HOW?
CEA-H.O.W. is a Fellowship of men and women who meet to share their experience, strength and hope with one another in order that they may solve their common problem and help those who still suffer to recover from compulsive eating. HOW meetings offer a disciplined and structured approach to the compulsive eater who accepts the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions as a program of recovery.
Purpose of CEA-H.O.W.
Our primary purpose is to stop eating compulsively..and we welcome in fellowship and friendly understanding all those who share our common problem.
Requirement for Membership
A desire to stop eating compulsively.
Cost for Membership
There are no dues or fees for CEA-H.O.W. membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions.
What CEA-H.O.W. Offers You
Acceptance – of you as you are now, as you were, as you will be.
Understanding – of the problem you face now and share, almost cetainly, with others in the group.
Communication – Since we find that we identify with each other, communication becomes the natural result of our mutual understanding and acceptance.
Relief – having found acceptance, understanding and communication with others, we found relief from our illness and help toward a new self-acceptance and self-understanding.
Power – by the acceptance and understanding of oneself, by the practice of the twelve-step recovery program, by the belief in a power greater than oneself, by the support and companionship of the group, a door is opened to a new way of life.
Is CEA-H.O.W. For You?
Only you can decide that question…no one else can make this decision for you. We who are now in CEA-H.O.W. have found a way of life which enables us to live without the need for excess food. We believe that compulsive eating is a progressive illness…one that, like alcoholism and some other illnesses, can be arrested. Remember, there is no shame in admitting you have a problem; the most important thing is to do something about it.